Hello again dear community!
Since I am not a friend with “free time”, we rarely see each other. Now, WEN we get together, we’ve sketched out this idea that I started this post with.
This is how I imagined what I would like this DEX to look like.
Now let’s see how i can translate this image.
Starting from top, left to right.
In “Trade” mode I would put a “PRO” sticker below the xExchange logo.
This is a button to switch between the PRO and LITE versions of DEX, between TRADE and the actual SWAP page. Next to it is the name of the page you are on. The rest of the buttons can stay as they are for now. We will concentrate on the TRADE page.
Below I would like to see a band with price info from the top 10 crypto.
Next, on the left side of the screen is a place for your favorite coins listed on DEX, but also the “ALL pairs” option. In the middle of your screen, as big as you can, there should be the chart section. Next to it we can have an order book and below it the “Limit Order” section where we place the orders.
Last but not least, we got a place for actually placed orders to see when/how much you spent and other info about your orders.
I would like to see the option to configure this screen as you want, from 3-4 themes, the possibility to close or add panels and make them smaller or bigger. But after you’ve done all the changes, the changes should be saved in your account and when you login to xEchange from another PC, everything should be as saved.
Everything can be stored and locked in places after your lock is closed.
From a trader’s perspective, I want to keep everything simple, but with some minimum information that you still need. I want to have a clean trading screen with a big chart where you can actually analyze your coin there and your TA is saved in your account until the next time you make changes (and saved every time). Chart should be on aprox. 80% of your screen as default.
I think this way because if you zoom out, we need adoption, we need to give to people simple, clean and complex things that they actual want and need. I can see this in the future (1-2 years) a desktop app just like binance have but build by us, build with our ideas and needs.
Next time when I meet this stranger “free time” that is very hard on me and don’t want to be my friend easy, I’ll put him next to me again and do another sketch for the “Fee Trading Table”. Until then, take notes, come with ideas/changes, keep calm because the whole world is in bear market, stay safe, don’t forget to smile , tell your elders, wife, husband, lover, brother sister that you love them, and don’t forget that you are beautiful.
See you next time.