Suggestions for Enhancing the xExchange V3 User Experience

Hi everyone!

After spending some time testing and using xExchange V3 on Battlenet, I’ve gathered a few thoughts on how we might enhance the user experience. These are personal suggestions based on my observations. I’m sharing them here to spark some discussion and to hear what you all think about these potential improvements. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Streamlined Liquidity Pool Management:
    It might be helpful to consolidate all actions related to liquidity pools (creating, removing, upgrading) on a dedicated page for each speciifc liquidity pool (ex: EGLD/MEX). If liquidity is already provided, having a “Remove Liquidity” button and, if applicable, an “Upgrade” button for upgradable positions could be useful. Adding a “My Liquidity” summary could also provide a quick overview of current positions.

  2. Pool Navigation Enhancement in Liquidity Page:
    Clicking on the pool card could directly lead to the “Add Liquidity” page rather than the overview. We could keep the option to click on the pool name to redirect to overall pool information. This approach eliminates the need for an additional “Add” button.

  3. Farm Selection Optimization:
    Setting the farm option as the default selection could streamline the process, as it is likely to be the most commonly chosen option. Other options might be greyed out until selected, or we could have the system suggest the best fit based on user preferences. Alternatively, asking users a question to determine their best choice might also work.

  4. Clarify “Any Token” Feature:
    The “Any Token” label might be unclear to some users. This feature implies that a swap is automatically performed to create a pool. Rephrasing or adding explanatory text could help clarify this feature.

  5. Improved Portfolio Navigation:
    Instead of extra buttons in the portfolio section, clicking on a position could lead directly to the specific liquidity pool page where users can add, remove, or upgrade their position.

  6. Filter Position Refinement:
    Filters should be specific to the selected category. For example, when “Farms” is selected, the display should show only farm-related positions. Since pools might be grouped with various types of earnings (Farm, Pool, or Dual Farm), the filter should focus on displaying only the selected category and avoid clutter from others. If “Farm” is selected, the filter could automatically expand to reveal detailed information about farm positions, ensuring clarity while accommodating the different earning types within each pool.

  7. Simplify Pool Type Descriptions in Portfolio:
    In the portfolio’s pool positions, consider making the colored icon (pool, farm, dual-farm) for pool description visible only when expanded. Since these details are secondary, the main focus should be on value and rewards. On mobile, ensure that value and rewards are directly displayed for each position.

  8. Reevaluate “Upgradable” Label:
    The “Upgradable” label might be misleading for users not interested in dual farming with lock periods. It could be better to hide this label and show “Upgrade Position” only when the APR is clicked, relying on the color-coded APR index for clarity.

  9. Icon and Color Scheme Update:
    The current icons for farm, dual farm, pool, stake and others seem somewhat basic and could be better aligned with the energy theme. Additionally, the primary MEX token blue color is missing. Consider updating the color scheme by replacing the violet theme with MEX blue to enhance brand consistency and more closely reflect the platform’s identity.

  10. Revise Ranking Names :
    The current ranking names and images aren’t well-aligned with the energy theme. The previous names were more engaging. Perhaps a hybrid approach could work, like “Tesla - Diamond” / “Newton - Gold” or maybe “Tesla - Elite” / “Newton - Advanced”, e.g.

  11. Energy Page Information Hierarchy:
    Focusing on the energy count prominently above the league information might be more coherent on the energy page. For mobile views, the energy count should be at the top, while for other devices, it can be positioned on the left.

  12. Energy Optimizer Explanation:
    Including an explanation of how users can optimize their energy levels and boost rewards under the energy and League graph could provide better understanding and encourage more effective investment strategies.

  13. Rename Battery to Cell:
    for xMEX energy batches rename “battery almost charged” to “Cell almost charged”. It might more accurately reflect their role in representing portions of the overall energy of an account.

  14. Represent Leagues as Batteries:
    Don’t really know if it is the case, but each league should be represented as a battery, with the account’s total energy reflecting the charging capacity of these batteries. This visual representation can help users better understand the concept. For instance, being in the Tesla league could imply the ability to charge all smaller batteries (such as Edison, Faraday, Ohm, and Newton) within the account, based on specific energy thresholds.

  15. Group Cells by Energy Level:
    Organize cells into sections—high, medium, and low—based on their charge percentages. Alternatively, consider grouping cells solely by their energy percentage, rather than listing all cells with the same charge level consecutively. Clicking on a category should display detailed information for all cells within that specific energy percentage range.

  16. Clarify League Advantages:
    Improving the communication of league advantages with better visual indicators or explanations could enhance understanding. Different UI elements based on the league might offer a more personalized experience.

  17. Persistent Navigation Bar:
    Fixing the navigation bar with options like Portfolio, Trade, Earn, Analytics, and More at the top of the page could enhance usability by keeping it visible while scrolling.

  18. Energy and League Info in Portfolio:
    It could be a good idea to include overall energy and league position within the portfolio section. We could organize this section into tabs for Positions, Tokens, and Energy to improve navigation. The top section should present a summary of assets and rewards, with the tabs placed below for easy access.

  19. Unlock Rewards During Claim Process:
    Add an option to unlock rewards directly during the claim process, or provide an alternative option elsewhere for unlocking rewards (a portion or all) automatically when claiming.

  20. Enhance Energy Reward Details:
    Including both the amount of xMEX rewarded from unlock fees and the amount from xMEX emissions in the energy reward details could provide a comprehensive view of all sources of energy rewards.

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these suggestions and any additional ideas you might have!


Hey @nlaronch , welcome back on the Agora! And thank you very much for the feedback and the time you’ve taken to share it. Will processing and think on it :pray:

  1. The idea is to rather completely delete the usage of “battery” and “cell”, as these terms add complexity and are not needed. Thanks for having reported their occurrence! :pray:

  2. Isn’t it already the case?

Hi @lucaswillems , adding my suggestions here regarding the design of the landing page & Trade page that surprisingly lack features that can be found in the “Analytics” and “Liquidity” sections, when a certain pool is selected :

Home landing page: The little 7-day charts absolutely need to appear below the inputs section and need to update automatically depending on the tokens selected for the swap. This will compare to the design adopted by Jupiter exchange on the Solana ecosystem, which is very nice

Then, in the Trade page: We need the little charts as described aboved but we also ABSOLUTELY need the detailed chart (with candle sticks option) that shows historical price and volume for the selected pair. How can this be absent in the section dedicated to TRADE??? Of course, this also need to update automatically depending on the tokens selected


Thanks @prettyflacko on this too! Will see what can be improved :+1:

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