Welcome to the Agora - the place for discussing all things related to xExchange.
To log in the Agora, you only need to connect your MultiversX wallet, and be at least in the Faraday league (i.e. have at least 5 billion energy). Your username will be your herotag, and your profile picture will be the one you set in xPortal.
All discussions in the Agora take place in English to be understandable for the majority of us. All posts in the Agora should be relevant and beneficial to xExchange. Please review our Guidelines before participating.
There are two categories in the Agora:
“General Discussions”, for discussing any subject related to xExchange (product, strategy, tokenomics, website, etc.). You can ask questions, share ideas, gather community feedback, present a tool enhancing xExchange, or anything else.
“xEIP Drafts”, for drafts of xExchange Improvement Proposals (xEIPs) regarding any aspect of xExchange (product, strategy, tokenomics, website, etc.). Drafts are first discussed, interated on and finalized, before being voted on-chain by governance. Please read the governance documentation and follow the xEIP template before publishing there.
All that said, welcome aboard! Our collective wisdom lies within your individual contributions. So please share, discuss and learn. That’s the only way forward to make xExchange the best decentralized exchange possible.