Exchange displayed Tokens burnt

I’ve been following the mex Burn rate and I have noticed that the burn rate fluxuates, up and down. My presumption is that once it’s burnt it’s can’t come back so that the number should be going up forever, however if you follow it you’ll notice it increases but then decreases several billion and then starts increasing again.

It’s pretty confusing.
I had screen shots but Agora would only allow me one screen shot for being a new user.

What is the answer for this variation.


Welcome on the Agora! And thank you for raising this bug! :pray: Forwarding internally.


Where did you look at the burn amount and where did the bug appear? Is it here:

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On the home page of the exchange before or after you login. Up at the top the Mex Logo click on it it shows mex statistics.

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I’m using this on my phone it may display differently on laptop.

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Any idea on how long this bug will take to resolve. Yesterday it was 77billion burnt and today it’s back down to 72 Bill.


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Thanks for the details! We will investigate further and let you know.

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The issue should have been fixed. Thanks for having reported :pray: