When staking from “Any token” (Egld in this case)
There is no informatin about how much RIDE the tansaction will generate for me (or it’s value)
(Critical information)

After processing the staking,
I still don’t have any idea of what happened.
There is no summary about the new situation. (Beginner UX mistake)
I only see that I have less egld, so I guess the tansaction went OK…
For 2 sec I was about to click “Confirm” again as I supposed the transaction was bugged.

There is no place where I can see my staked amount of RIDE :confused:

  • By the way, there is a UI error on Prices position (alignment)
  • & I don’t easily understand the meaning of the highligted big green box : the price variation is not a critical information in the staking context.

Portfolio > Postion

  • I don’t see the staked RIDE amount
  • What is the meaning of the PIG ?
  • What is the use of second line ? It give no new information. (UX beginner error)
  • A button “Claim reward” is way more usable than “Stake RIDE”

Confusing information :

2 opposites messages.

Hi @encreor ,

Thanks a lot for this feedback! :pray:

Thanks for this feedback too :pray:

@encreor Carefully reviewed all your feedback and you’ve brought very good points. Thanks :pray: