Regarding xportal speed!

Hello team, well done xportal is amazing. But is it possible to make it faster? Because it is lagging sometines, especially when I try to log in with my pin instead of fingerprint its lagging a lot, which makes me put the pin incorrectly multiple times. Thanks.

It is true , the app opening time could be much more improved . Guys , literally it takes more then 20 seconds to log into the app and wait for the app to respond and update and everything before i could press on a button and actualy respond to the comand . It is a bit frustrating because other apps like or Binance open imediatey and are good to use in 2 seconds…

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Hey @rotnisi @victoor ,

This forum is dedicated to xExchange and xExchange only, so closing this thread. Thanks to directly reach out to the xPortal team :pray: