XMEX Transferable, or Rewards paid in MEX

Hi together,
Very interesting discussion.
I see xmex also as protection for the ecosysrem

@calinxy, @angie44120 I share your thoughts.
Its all a matter of selling. Decreasing 80% is to punish the holders. To give the decision to the holders how they want it is freedom of choice. Although both ways could have the same results for holders.
For the internal ecosystem aspect could be different. How save and strong should be the system ? How many TVL have we right now? Is this enough, should it be more? Do we have enough loyal and strong investors ?
In my opinion these questions should be focused.

The thought of selling xmex between holders could be interesting. It could only be the problem of too much xmex in hands of certain investors with enough buy power in future.

One different point. I was writing this on my mobile and I couldnt see my comment box because this box was always behind the alpha-numeric box. And I had scrolled down already to the bottom. Please :clap:

Good day to all