Claiming rewards doesn't work

Claiming rewards is not working.

Thanks for reporting! We are investigating this. Could you let me know in which country you opened xExchange? As it seems to be an issue related to xExchange clusters.

And in the meantime, did you succeed to claim? Or it is still not working?

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UK. Still not working.

@rotnisi The team has been checking your account but it seems you’ve succeeded to claim the rewards? The team can’t see the notification anymore in your account.

I removed my liquidity positions. I was just testing how the new V3 liquidity operations work. And I noticed this problem. Now I dont have open positions. Just xmex. Anyway keep this in mind in case someone else has the same problem.

Thanks for sharing these details as it now gives a better understanding of where the issue could come from.

So most likely the issue is that we showed you the notification in the first hand as I doubt you have had the time to accumulate energy rewards that quickly.

Will forward this internally and continue the investigation. Thank you very much! :pray:

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