i have small batches that i harvest weekly, just now seen that they merge with the big pile, makeing my unlock date even furthurenin time without my approval. this is not ok
Thanks for the sharing your feedback! We will try to address this in xExchange v3 by disabling auto-merging for XMEX or EGLD-XMEX.
the lp merging i dont think is a problem for anybody, but the rewards i see as a problem. with this system i basically can never reach the unlock point if a keep farming xmex, who would be interested in that?
Okay, so if it is only about the XMEX you get when you claim. These are not merged.
All XMEX rewards claimed during the same month will be merged together as they are the same.
But if you claim in two different months, those XMEX won’t be merged.
then why is my xmex all one pile? i have merged some in the past , but now its doing it on its own, the last 2 claims i have watched and it goes automatically in the big pile…could this be a bug? or is it becouse i merged the claim from fiest week and then automatically it merged the last 3 claims(weekly ) frim that mounth? ill check this week as its a new mounth
yes I noticed that it is monthly now, but wasn’t it weekly before, right ?
Did the change occur with a notification to user, because I missed it
just harvested this week rewards, automaticaly merged with the big pile again something is wrong !
here are screenshots , before and after
screenshots of the claim (i see there are 6 different operations but the hash are the same for some of them) and the hash lines
It has been every month since December 2022 when xExchange v2 was launched.
@dorustefan I agree this is weird. Forwarded all this internally! We will let you know when we have an answer on what happens.
yes, i dont know to tell you when it happened exacly, becouse i merged in the past small batches with the big one, but not for some time , i just seen this when i first notified here. i had mex/egld lp and the last rewards automativally merged with the big xmex pile when i collected the rewards granted in a week.notified that here, broke the lp , swapped the mex for wbtc made a new lp with that wbtc +egld. now im waiting for the week to pass so i can harvest and seenif it merges again. if this happens i see no point in offering liquidity since basically ill never get to unlock my xmex rewards, and the xmex i allready blocked for 4 years if this continues
check when energy multiplier changes, I believe in a few days. then, the next batch of rewards will be separated from what you have there
just broke my wbtc/egld farm and lp, all xmex is separate batch. so this happened probably becouse i maxed out my energy at begining of the mounth and then all batches got sucked in that mounth
Who knows how to answer to this problem about XMEX? When one has the XMEX with energy at stacking on xExchange, and start receiving weekly rewards more batches of XMEX that are automatically locked for the next 4 years, if one just keeps those in the wallet, they are all divided by unlocking time, as the old LKMEX used to be. So, these reward batches each has their own 4 years unlocking period… This is bad in itself, because maybe one just wants rewards with less energy in order to unlock earlier, but this option is not provided.
BUT, if one takes these new batches of XMEX from the rewards, and puts them in the MEX-EGLD LP, and then, into the Staking, on top of the existing LP-token already staked, then, all the new LP-token staked is changing the unlocking date even for the OLDER XMEX that was present in the LP-token. At least, this is what I understand that it is happening, from what I can see. This always pushes the possibility of unlocking XMEX to NEVER. Which is UNFAIR!
Why is this happening? The old LKMEX had their own embedded unlocking date for each token, for each batch. But now… When united under the LP-token, XMEX becomes locked forever, while one adds new XMEX to the LP-token. If we have original XMEX transformed from LKMEX charged with 2 years of energy, that is automatically changed when combined in a LP with a small amount of XMEX from a new reward. So, even if one hoped to unlock some XMEX in 2025, now that will never be possible, because it all got kicked further to Jan 2027. How is this fair?
Is it possible to recover all that and change the inners of the XMEX to have unlocking dates like LKMEX?
What is worse is that the app doesn’t tell you this is happening, nor asks users for consent to extend the energy for XMEX for another 4 years when you add them into the LP. This needs to be changed because it is wrong.
Hi @marcus ,
Thank you very much for sharing your feedback on this!
We are very well aware of the issue, and it will be fixed in the coming soon xExchange v3 release.
In v3, we won’t auto-merge the EGLD-XMEX anymore, hence the time lock of the old position won’t increase anymore.
Please let me know if you think it won’t address your issue.
Yes, This is what I am addressing. XMEX energy / unlocking date has to stay put for every XMEX package, in the way it was programmed, in accordance to what the user agreed or decided.
Is the v.3 able to go back in time and repair this issue for the older XMEX? Because that would be great. I have been receiving XMEX from the beginning and I want to be able to convert it to MEX. Or is it impossible to recover the older XMEX packages’ time lock to the original?
Unfortunately it is impossible to recover this, as merges can’t be undone.
Well, this is sad.
But I will have to take measures from now on to protect my XMEX from new merges. This means I cannot add any more XMEX to staking until V.3!
When will this happen?