Hi guys, in “portfolio” I’d love to see a counter showing total accumulated xMEX rewards since last claim, expandable to show a breakdown of rewards.
I feel a bit blind using V3 at the moment, I can’t find the info I crave, which for me and maybe many others is “how much xMEX am I earning”.
Additional to this, ideally I’d like each farm position in “portfolio” to show what my ideal position size would be to achieve maximum APR relative to my energy, so I can easily fine tune my positions to be bringing in the maximum possible APR. Eg. My position may be $30 and the info may show for me to achieve maximum APR the position size needs to be $40 or maybe even needs to reduce to $25.
I’m not confident the displayed APR currently is correct, and especially the “maximum achieved” info, like see the pic of my TADA/EGLD farm which claims I’ve achieved max yet the APR is only 55%, when it should be 187% or so, and it stayed the same even after I increased my position size.
V3 looks great, I like the layout and am happy that in time it will become familiar. I like the possibility of the “portfolio” tab being a “one stop shop” where I can visit to quickly get the rewards info I crave, and to quickly maintain my positions and claim all rewards.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are able to do something along the lines of what I’d like to see. I am enjoying using V3
Update: After 24h the APR percentages for my portfolio have changed, with Tada now displayed as 195%, not sure if there’s been a fix, but now seems OK