Accidentially created 2 LP Tokens with same Ticker

Hi everyone.
First of all, I an new here. I wanted to say thanks to the team and the community. I appreciate all the hard work and edication.

I got an issue with LP Listing. I have a slow connection and I seem to have created two similar LP Tokens:

They both have the same Ticker. I disconnected during the listing process and now its stuck. Maybe because of the same ticker? Can somebody help. I havent seen any other LP Token with a twin.

Thanks in advance!

Have a great time!

Hey @pifi , congrats for your first post on the xExchange Agora!

Only the LP token from the first issueLPToken transaction got registered into the pair smart contract, so you should be able to continue with the listing process.

If there are still issues with this flow, you can clear browser cache/cookies and then try again.

Please let me know if this helped.